Saturday, June 26, 2010

Let It Sleep...

A couple days ago, I found myself extremely frustrated, confused and disappointed. What I thought was all taken care of in the past suddenly came rushing to the surface again, and knocked me over in the process. My heart was a little off kilter to say the least. I found out the hard way what happens when I put my heart into the hands of someone that it wasn't made for, and it hurt for a while. I became tired of giving little pieces of it away, only for them to return to me broken. My heart was tired of running in circles. But the thing that stung me the worst was the recurring thought that God did not deserve to be loved with a tired and shattered heart. He deserved so much more than what I was giving Him. I remember crying out to Him, only to hear Him whisper "I came to rescue ALL of your heart, even the broken and tired pieces.

So when I read it, this verse made much more sense to me:

"I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, do not stir up nor awaken love until it pleases." Song of Solomon 8:4

Like it says in Ecclesiastes, there is a time and a place for everything under heaven. This is one of those "sit on your hands and let God do what He needs to" verses. Love must not be rushed, no matter how fast we want it to get here. This verse is mentioned around three times in the same book, I think God is trying to tell us something. His plan for our lives is so intricately designed that when we take a step back and look at everything through His eyes, we cannot help but notice how He cares much more for our future than we do. Love will come into your life when God is ready to put it there.

Love for another person is essentially created to be a beautiful thing. But, that love at the wrong place and the wrong time can be painful. It is when we fall more in love with things other than God that we get hurt. We forget that the safest place for our heart is inside the Creator's hands. When we awaken love in our timing, we unknowingly hurt ourselves, breaking little pieces of our heart. They were not designed to work that way. Love wasn't designed to break us down. When we let God swoon us (He is the creator of romance after all :] ), we begin to see what true love looks like. We see how treasured we are, how He pursues us with an unmatchable passion. We discover that God deserves nothing less than everything we are. When we "sit on our hands" and let him awaken love like He originally planned, it will take us by complete surprise.


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