Friday, May 28, 2010


I have no clue how I should start this. It has been far too long since I've been able to sit down and type something out on my blog. If it were a journal, I would have to yank it out from the depths beneath my bed and swipe off the inch thick layer of dust. But, now that the creative juices are flowing (sort of), I think I should start with this:

Just before it rains, all the colors in my neighborhood become extremely vibrant. I noticed this one day when I went out running. This was no ordinary run, mind you. I was driving home from school with a ton of other things on my mind. Things that if I had listened to God in the first place, wouldn't have bothered me so much. It was one of those weeks where it seemed like everything I thought I was doing right turned it's back and came crashing down on me. In other words, I mistakenly took something God gave me to do and went way too far with it. Now, my patience was being tested, and I was sick of something I could not identify.

The minute I stepped out the door in my tennis shoes, I was hit with vibrant hues of green grass, yellow flowers, and a blue sky in the distance. Every thought buzzing around in my head became silenced by this one verse in a song I have come to love, "I look out the window, the birds are composing. Not a note is out of tune or out of place. I walk through the meadows and stare at the flowers that are dressed in any girl on her wedding day. So why do I worry? Why do I freak out? God knows what I need, You know what I need." It was then I heard the words that soothed everything, "kailee, if I created every plant, tree, flower, blade of grass, and know exactly what it needs to grow and live, how much more do you think I care for you? How much more do I know exactly what you need?"

Then the rain came down. I remember how giddy it made me feel. Every worry, fear, anxiety washed away at those whispered words. I passed a lady on the street, and when she asked me how I liked the weather, all I could do was grin. Leave it to God to use a downpour to make me smile. :)